XCR Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a XCR Enterprises, Inc. Affiliate Disclosure

Effective: 10/1/2023

We always aim to provide unbiased recommendations of products and services. Some products and services we are not compensated for but we recommend. We will disclose the services that we are compensated for recommending. We  need to pay our teams and website costs so we make money in a number of ways. We sometimes use affiliate links to products and services on retailer sites for which we can receive compensation if you click on those links or make purchases through them.  When this is the case the content is clearly marked as sponsored or promoted, so you’ll always know which content we are compensated for our recommendation and which is not. XCR Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a ChristopherEbert.com is our parent company and has an in-depth terms and conditions page with a lot more information that you can read right here.